Monuments in Noord-Holland

R. Stenvert en C. Kolman (2006)

Gepubliceerd op 30-03-2018

Churches in Slootdorp

betekenis & definitie

There are three hall churches from 1932 in Slootdorp. The Herv. church (Brink 55) has a remarkable façade tower with a steep gable roof and an attached conservatory room and boarder's house. The design is by G. van Hoogevest, who in 1946 also led to the recovery of the inundation damage.

Also restored in 1946 is the R.K. H. Geestkerk (Brink 1), designed by S.B. van Sante and in 1950 with the current facade with clock tower to plans by P.W. Fleming. Inside, the choir wall shows a painting by F. Langelaan (1961). De Geref. church (Langeweg 3) around 1946 has a consistory room and a tower with eight-sided striker.