Monuments in Noord-Holland

R. Stenvert en C. Kolman (2006)

Gepubliceerd op 30-03-2018

The R.K. St.-Joannes Onthoofdingkerk in Uithoorn

betekenis & definitie

(Schans 14) is a three-aisled basilical church with two towers of five sections at the front with frontals and four-sided spiers. This neo-Romanesque church with rose windows and round arches rose in 1866-'67 to design by H.J. van den Brink at the site of a shelter church from 1782. The towers were only completed in 1884. In 1962, the chorus part was renewed and a portal built on plans by J. de Groot. The church contains a Maarschalkerweerd organ (1897).

The parish house (Schans 15) was built in the 19th century as a house and in 1874 by the R.K. to buy a poor administration to establish a school with teachers' home. In 1920 it came into use as a parish house and guest house. The presbytery (Schans 16, circa 1920) is a villa-like building designed by H. van der Zijden.