Monuments in Noord-Holland

R. Stenvert en C. Kolman (2006)

Gepubliceerd op 30-03-2018

The Oude Schans in Oudeschild

betekenis & definitie

(Schansweg 30) is located southwest of Oudeschild. This original five-sided ramp was constructed in 1572-'74 by order of Diederik Sonoy to protect Texel's speech and improved in the early 17th century. The French laid a ravelin and envelope in 1810-'12 and flanked the fort, renamed to Fort Central, with two small forts: Redoute (1811) and Lunette (1812). After the fortress was dissolved in 1922, the flanking forts and the south-western part of the redoubt disappeared at the dike reinforcement in 1929-30. The main form has been restored in 1992-'97.