
J. Hagers (1910)

Gepubliceerd op 13-03-2019


betekenis & definitie

Gasfabrieken - Schnabel-Kühn, A. E. Die Steinkohlengas-Industrie in Deutschl. in ihrer Bedeutg. f. d. Volkswirtsch. Münch., R. Oldenbourg. M 4.—.

— Greineder, F., Die finanzielle Ueberwachg. d. Gaswerksunternehmen. Münch., R. Oldenbourg M 3.60.

— Humphrys, N. H. The Construction and management of small gasworks. With a section on actual costs and capacity of recently erected works by J. H. Brearley. J. Allan & Co. 7 sh. 6 d.

— Gas Accounts. (Vol VII of „The Accountants’ Library” Series q.v.) 5/-net.